Wednesday 2 December 2020

Writing Memories

 The month of November is NaNo month. Or NaNoWriMo. It’s a contest, or challenge, to write a novel in the 30 days of November. It’s quite a daunting task and it requires a good deal of time and effort. I know, I’ve done it a few times. 

I haven’t been writing for a couple of years now, and miss it terribly. I can’t tell you how many blogs I’ve written in my head, usually when I’m trying to fall asleep.

I was in the midst of a new book about two years ago, the great unfinished novel (joking). I was in a rough state physically and could not sit for long without pain. I have multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia, along with a wrecked back and a bad knee.  All of that meant I couldn’t spend much time on the computer, and for awhile there, I’ll admit, I really didn’t give a damn.

My daughter knew I loved my computer, for more than writing, and gifted me an iPad.  Now this I could use in bed when I needed to rest, and my laptop has been put away unused and abandoned.

We, my child instructor and I, loaded the usual things on, but not my book or my blogs. I finally added those this week as my skill has improved and I really hate leaving things unfinished.  

I rediscovered blogger stats and was shocked to see I had almost 300 views to the one blog in November. And this with nothing new posted in years.  Wait, that’s wrong, I did post once when things settled down, even got the book out, but then I was hit with a severe sciatica and couldn’t walk or sit for long. So it all got shoved back in the drawer so to speak.

Oddly enough, I’m doing better and want to give it all a try again. Seems a fall I had last year which resulted in a broken tailbone, also did an adjustment to my back that cured my sciatica.  

This is as good as I’m going to get, and at this stage of my disease, I’m thankful to still be mobile, all be it, with the use of aids.  Fatigue and brain fog may rob me of days spent writing, but there are more good than bad, so I will do my best to be productive, word wise.

I should have done this months ago, as I wasn’t venturing out and had everything I needed delivered.

This pandemic has affected everyone in some way.  We didn’t have many COVID cases in our county until recently, one of the benefits to small town living. The cities have definitely had a challenge with increasing cases, hospital admissions and their constant testing and tracing.

Stay safe people, may we soon see an end to this vicious virus.


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