Sunday 27 December 2020

Oh Christmas Tree

 I haven’t had a Christmas tree in a number of years now, the space here just does not allow.  I suppose it’s a matter of what’s most important, a tree or the loss of space for my creative endeavours.

All my gifts have been given and opened, such as they were. With the grandkids it’s more about gift cards than gifts. It’s hard to buy for teenagers. And the littles as I call the youngest of my group of seven, will probably be in the growing too fast, soon to be adult, group soon enough.

My daughter is famous for putting her tree up early. This year it was mid November, early even for her. Given the number of heartbreaking accidents that happened to close friends in recent months, she may have been trying to inject a bit of cheer into the house.

Her tree looked beautiful, the glow of lights adding a comforting ambiance to the room. Knowing her, she’ll be itching to take it down, if she hasn’t already.

My son put his tree up in December, a more reasonable timeframe in my mind. Early December until after New Year’s. I especially liked the tree up for New Year’s Eve, as I like to spend that day at home.

The holiday is different this year, as the province of Ontario is now in lockdown. 

No matter what holiday you celebrate, what symbols you display in that celebration, do it with love and joy. Do it with your ‘bubble’ of family, create new traditions, use social media to stay connected with those you cannot see in real time.

One day at a time. It’s how we are given it, and how we’ll get through it.

Though I’m a couple of days late, Merry Christmas. 


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