Wednesday 6 January 2021

Weather Network

 Beside the fact we are currently in a COVID lockdown, I tend to be a homebody, especially in winter. Current conditions mean I get my groceries delivered and do a lot of ordering on line. 

In the olden days, pre pandemic, I would follow the Weather Network on line, to determine which days would be clear, as in no snow, no rain, presenting roads that are clean and dry before venturing out.

Now I have an early snowfall warning system that alerts me to any significant snowfall.  His name is Jim and he lives next door. We live in a small community made up of 4 and 8 unit buildings. Jim and I are on one side of our quad and share the same paved path from the road with the adjacent quad. 

During winter months I am frequently awakened by the noise of a shovel scraping against the pavement. From the cozy warmth of my bed I’m given notice that it’s snowed and feel free to burrow in, knowing I’m not going to be going anywhere. 

For years now, neighbour Jim has cleared the path and the area in front of all of our doors whenever the snow falls. He shovels early, and frequently throughout the day if necessary.  He is the rose to the thorns of his three, older female neighbours. A truly nice guy.

The property does have a manager who has a riding lawnmower type thing with a blade and he whips it through the complex cleaning pathways, the front patios plus parking areas. And the roads are cleared by a service so we are well taken care of. 

I’m just spoiled by Jim’s personal attention. 

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