Tuesday 2 January 2018

Good Start to the New Year

My new year has gotten off to a good start. First, I'm very pleased and proud to have this blog hit 30,000 views. Readers are from around the world, the top five countries being the United States, Canada, Russia, France and Germany.

I get as excited with this as I did when I received a letter from a pen pal when I was a young girl.

Today, being garbage day, is the day I try to pretend I'm Suzy Homemaker and am going to spend the day cleaning. I usually get a few chores done but I definitely won't win any awards, or pass the white glove test.

Today I began with the bathroom. I emptied out the vanity, the medicine cabinet and the cupboard over the toilet. I found a shoehorn, which I need to get my new boots/shoes on. They are basically 'croc' in style, but solid with a covered heel. Waterproof even if they are not very warm. I hope they stretch a little bit with wear, making the shoehorn unnecessary. The biggest plus...they are skid proof.

I found I have bandaids galore. Loose, all over the drawer of the three drawer storage under the sink. Those I put in an old plastic container, and will add the little first aid kit I discovered to the glove compartment of my car.

I have plenty of toothpaste and soap, and lotion. Found a single use face mask that I'll try later, as you are supposed to lie down and relax for fifteen minutes with it on. After that my face will be soft and glowing. There was no promise I would also be wrinkleless.

I finally got my laundry done last night and got it all put away this morning, so the cupboard with all my sweaters, T's and jeans is neat...for the moment.

I hope to vacuum later, the entry if nothing else. Everyone who goes in and out of the door carries in the gravel off the walkway. I need to clean that up before it's carried everywhere.

That's a good start for the day. The garbage is out at the curb for pick up, so whatever else I clean and sort through for discard will have to be stored for the week...designated for the dump or recycling. When I'm in this kind of a mood I keep a box handy and keep adding stuff to donate until the box is full.

I never hit the pantry yesterday as I planned, so I guess that's next. Monday cleaning, only it's Tuesday. At least I'm getting some housework done. Still, that painting I have in my mind is pushing at me, wanting to become a reality. Housework, housework, housework. Today is housework, I keep reminding myself, tomorrow we paint.

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