Friday 28 March 2014

Itchy Feet

Last week I was out, wearing the running shoes that I’ve worn all winter. They’re a solid shoe, with a heavy sole. By the end of the day my feet felt confined, tight, and I couldn’t wait to get home and kick my shoes off.
Since I’m barefoot or in socked feet at home, it’s no wonder I find shoes confining. This week I changed over to my pair of crocs, and as long as the roads stay dry I can wear these lighter, airier shoes until its sandal weather.

Sandals and no socks, a sign of spring and summer, and I can’t wait.
When I was part of a writing group, we would come up with a new topic each week and be challenged to write a 150 word story based on that theme. I always found it amazing that we came at the same topic in so many different ways. One time we were to write an ode to spring. As to be expected there were stories about flowers, but my story was about my itchy feet.

As my thoughts this week were following along the same lines, I remembered this exercise and searched through my files to find what I had written. Just thought I’d share as I’m sure we’re all more than ready to shed the winter footwear.

Ode to Spring

My toes are tingling. That itchy, fidgety, tingling sensation that can only mean one thing. It is almost as if they are yelling “off damn socks”. It's spring, time to cut loose from the confines of winter, to get rid of the boots, the sneakers, the socks. I can almost feel it and wait in anticipation, for the freedom, the absolute frivolity, of flip flops.

One day soon I hope.




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