I hate spiders. I dislike most bugs but as the majority are
outside, I can deal. But spiders come inside, so they get on my hate list.
The other night I was up late, just had to finish that one
chapter, which turned into the next and the next. I happened to look up and saw
a spider in the corner, at the ceiling. He seemed to be moving, and I wondered
if I was wrong in assuming ‘he’ and maybe it was a female, and she was making a
web out of the dust up there to make a nest. I had an immediate vision of the
wall being covered in baby spiders.
Seems strange, but it was four in the morning and I had just
read a book on the supernatural.
I got out of bed and grabbed my broom. Problem is, if I
wiped the wall with the broom the spider could fall into my bed, and then what
would I do?
I took a wad of packing tape, sticky side out, and stuck it
to the end of the broom. Reaching the end to the corner, I aimed for the
spider. I thought I got it and immediately wrapped the tape in toilet paper and
put it in the garbage.
But when I lay down again, I saw a small black spec on the
wall, and suddenly it seemed bigger, and had legs. Crap!
I tried the tape thing again, but this time I taped it to
the broom handle, for a better and more solid hit at the spider. He moved down
the wall before I was ready and I aimed, but missed. The spider dropped down,
missed the bed and ended up in the corner behind the bed.
I moved the bed away from the wall, just a few inches, found
dust, a couple of crochet hooks, and a pen. I also saw the spider moving along
the baseboard and got him with my sticky broom handle and disposed of him,
after making sure, this time, I had the spider.
Since I was up anyways, and had the broom, I swept along all
the edges where the walls and ceiling met, getting rid of any dust or cobwebs.
Finally, I was ready to go to sleep, my night adventure over
and done.